About Me
I am a PhD candidate at Delft University of Technology, in the Algorithmics group. My work focuses on the design of markets and auctions, their theoretical properties, and their application to electricity markets. I am funded by the project Gaming beyond the Copper Plate, through the NWO URSES (Uncertainty Reduction in Smart Energy Systems) programme.
Research and Publications
My research focuses on the design of markets in electricity systems. I design auctions and market mechanisms which better facilitate the trade of electricity or electricity-related services (such as transmission capacity or balancing services). I aim to contribute to fair markets which facilitate the incorporation of both innovative technologies by consumers and renewable electricity sources at all levels of the physical system.
- Trading power instead of energy in day-ahead electricity markets. R Philipsen, G Morales-España, M de Weerdt, L de Vries. In: Applied Energy, 2018. Accepted.
- Flexibel verbruik elektriciteit vergt slimme algoritmen. Y de Boer, R Philipsen, E Walraven, M de Weerdt. Tijdschrift Milieu 5:20-21, 2017
- A new market design for day-ahead markets with power-based scheduling. R Philipsen, G Morales-España, M de Weerdt, L de Vries. In: Proceedings from the Eurelectric-Florence School of Regulation Conference, 2017.
- Imperfect Unit Commitment decisions with perfect information: A real-time comparison of energy versus power. R Philipsen, G Morales-España, M de Weerdt, L de Vries. In: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 2016.
Auctions for congestion management in distribution grids. R Philipsen, M de Weerdt, L de Vries. In: 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2016
Unpublished presentations
A brief overview of other talks, poster presentations, and other output that resulted from my research.
- Imperfect Unit Commitment Decisions with Perfect Information: a Real-Time Comparison of Power versus Energy. 4th Conference on Energy Informatics and Management (2016) (Best Paper)
- Slim schuiven met flexibiliteit maakt netverzwaring overbodig (Smart usage of flexibility makes grid reinforcement superfluous). Contribution at Energiepodium.nl (2016, in Dutch)
- Auction design for intra-day electricity markets, Talk at the 5th BAEE Research Workshop, Delft. (2016)
- Designing markets for distribution grid congestion management, Talk at the 4th BAEE Research Workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve. (2015)
- Online Combinatorial Auctions with Two-Sided Uncertainty. Poster presentation at 11th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (2015)
- Designing markets for congestion management on distribution grids. 3rd Conference on Energy Informatics and Management (2015)